I think most of us might have one big question that How to Hide Files or Folders in the system and which should make the files not searchable and visible to any other users in the system Right?
it's quite simple now to secure data now with the blow simple steps :)
The Trick is to hide files and folders from Command Prompt...
The most important thing is that, once hidden with this method, the files/folders cannot be viewed by any search options even if you click "Show All Hidden Files and Folders" also.
Hiding the most wanted files and folders is very important nowadays and it's really a very big job too. In order to make this big task in an easy one, i'm going to deliver you a the trick now.
For Example: You have a folder named "Office Confidential Documents" and this folder is stored in Hard Drive D: and thinking that it should not be seen by any other user who use your PC.
For that you need to follow the following instructions
1. Press windowkey+R: Run command box appears.
2. Now type "cmd" and hit enter. A command prompt window displays.
3. Now type "attrib +s +h D:\ Office Confidential Documents" and hit enter.
4. The folder "Office Confidential Documents" will be hidden (Note: It cannot be viewed by any search options)
5. Then How to see the hidden files and folders back?
Ans: To view this folder again, use the same command but replace '+' with '-' on both flags 's' and 'h'